Andreas Leibing

Andreas Leibing

Postdoctoral Researcher

TU Dresden


Greetings! My name is Andreas, and I’m a postdoc at TU Dresden. I obtained my PhD from FU Berlin as part of the Berlin School of Economics (BSoE) and am a guest researcher at DIW Berlin.

I’m an applied microeconomist specializing in labor economics and the economics of education. I combine quasi-experimental methods, large-scale data, and economic theory to understand the determinants and consequences of investments in different types of skills. Scroll down for details on my projects.

Download my CV.

  • Economics of Education
  • Labor Economics
  • Applied Micro
  • Visiting Researcher, 2023

    Stanford University

  • Ph.D. in Economics, 2019-2024

    Freie Universität Berlin

  • M.Sc. in Economics, 2016-2019

    LMU Munich and Université Paris-Saclay

  • B.A. in Economics, 2013-2016

    University of Göttingen


TU Dresden
Research Associate
May 2024 – Present Dresden
Chair of Quantitative Methods, esp. Econometrics
DIW Berlin
Research Associate
Oct 2020 – Sep 2024 Berlin
Public Economics Department
ifo Institute
Research Assistant
Apr 2016 – Apr 2019 Munich
Center for Industrial Organization and New Technologies

Project Overview

(2024). Timing of School Entry and Personality Traits in Adulthood. draft available upon request, work in progress.

(2024). Lost Potential? Student Sorting in German Higher Education. draft available upon request, work in progress.

(2023). Local Labor Markets and Postsecondary Education. draft available upon request, Job Market Paper.

PDF Slides

(2023). The Long-Term Effects of Measles Vaccination on Earnings and Employment: A Replication Study of Atwood (American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 2022). In Journal of Comments and Replications in Economics.


(2023). Gender Gaps in Early Wage Expectations. In Economics of Education Review.

PDF Cite Slides

(2023). Tuition Fees and Educational Attainment. In European Economic Review.

PDF Cite Slides
